Friday, April 10, 2009

Time to check under my hood

As I get older, I think more and more about my health. I ate pretty healthy from the time I was 14 until I went away to college at 18. Oatmeal, egg whites, skinned boiled chicken breast, low salt, no desserts, lots of fruit a vegetables. I also carried a gallon jug of either water or sugar free iced tea, and I would carry it and drink from it throughout the day.

This was during the "on season" when I was a competitive bodybuilder. My goal during these 16 week periods was to shed as much fat as I gained during the "off season." Off season meals consisted of whole chickens (usually a couple a day), a loaf of bread, potato salad, steak, whole eggs. Things that had more calories and probably more cholesterol, but I still ate plenty of fruits and vegetables and did the whole water/iced tea thing. The off season was the time for me to gain weight and muscle; on season was where I burned it all off.

I probably could have eaten anything I wanted to during this time of my life. I worked out three hours a day, six days a week. While I was in high school, sitting in a classroom much of the day, I moved around quite a bit from classroom to classroom, during gym class, etc. And, of course, my metabolism was at its best.

During this time, I saw the doctor on an annual basis, mostly because school required it, or because my parents felt it was necessary. I didn't have any major health issues--until I turned 18 and started having complications "down there" from my steroid abuse--no high blood pressure, no high cholesterol.

In my 20's, I ate whatever I wanted, which typically meant late-night beer and burgers, pizzas, pasta, hot dogs, cheesy beef sandwiches, cheese balls...junk food. I continued to work out, five to six days a week, but for considerably less time. More like an hour each session. My metabolism slowed, but not enough to notice.

And I started going to the doctor even less frequently, only seeking help when I wasn't feeling well, never being proactive about my health. If I did get blood work, signs began pointing toward high cholesterol. I was warned that it wasn't a big deal, but something I should watch.

Then I turned 30. My weight went as high as it had been when I was pumping roids in my body--I topped 190--I continued to eat the same as I did when I was in my 20's and the activity remained constant. This is when I did begin to notice my slower metabolism.

I also continued with the same attitude toward physicals. I'd go for one maybe once every couple of years. Early on, I did bring my weight down to about 170, but my cholesterol continued to be at a 200 or greater number (I knew this, not from the doctor, per se, but from taking blood for life insurance).

Last year, I took one of those heart scan tests. Someone helped me rationale the $250 price tag by suggesting that I spend at least $100 a year to do a "check-up" on my car, why not invest a little more to see what's going on inside of me.

That's when my opinion about my health started to change. That made sense. My engine, my parts, they are all hitting that 100,000 mile mark. I should get a physical on a regular basis. If not to find out any complications, but just for peace of mind.

The results of the heart scan came back pretty good. I had mild calcification. Once the damage is done, I was told, it really cannot be reversed. I was told to continue to change my eating habits and exercise routine and I could keep myself safe. I was also told that my cholesterol continued to be a concern. It runs in the family, but I really do not want to go on medication for it.

Today, I had my doctor check under the hood. My pulse was 64, I've lost seven pounds (thanks, Cyndi and ChaLEAN Extreme), my blood pressure was 110/80, I had good reflexes, and I guess my ears, nose, and throat were good too. I had blood work done on Tuesday, but the results have not come back yet, and I also had another heart scan done (at a more reasonable $79 price tag). I feel pretty good, but I'm not without issues.

Issues, I guess, not uncommon for a man nine months from 40: I've got some tendinitis issues in my biceps, my pee continues to stink to high heaven, I have a new growth on my hand, and here's the fun ones...I've got wicked a wicked case of constipation and...wait for it...wait for it...hemorrhoids. YEAH! Two weeks without a good garbage dump and I'm feeling it. I guess the medical term is impaction.

The good news is, I now have something stronger to help me. Something called Lactolose. It kind of looks like mineral oil and has that slimy taste to it too. Once I get that under control, I am told, the hemorrhoids may work themselves out too.

I'm not sure if all of this is hereditary, but thanks, Mom, for passing along many of your own ailments to me. I'd much rather have a swift kick in the shin from you right about now, rather than the pain in the ass I'm feeling!

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