Saturday, November 14, 2009

The pressure is on, but the wine will be flowing

When we saw "Julie and Julia" a couple of months ago, I was inspired. Inspired to write more, and inspired to cook. The movie is based on a blog project which chronicled writer, Julie Powell's quest to cook through Julia Child's 1961 cookbook, "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" in one year. Toward the end of the movie, the Powell's have a dinner party with friends. They live in an apartment in Queens, New York, and the scene is somewhat magical. Magical because by this point in the story, Julie Powell has really become a master chef through real life experience. Magical because you know, by this point, that this is going to be a story that has a happy ending. Magical, also, because of the setting itself. Picture a backyard patio with nice furniture, lights strung in a square hanging above, a clear, crisp night, and good friends.

After the movie, Cyndi and I went for a drink at a local restaurant. As we quietly sipped our drinks (she had a Riesling, and I a Guinness), and digested what we had experienced through conversation and contemplation, I made an offer.

"How would you like it if I threw you a dinner party for your birthday?" I asked. "We can invite your friends, and their husbands. I can prepare a menu of foods you enjoy; the things you like."

Cyndi smiled. She knew what I was offering, and from where the inspiration came. She knew it was a fleeting suggestion, prompted by the good feeling we both received from the movie we had just enjoyed. But she went with it.

"Sure," she said, with enthusiasm and encouragement.

"We'll do this right," I continued. I was planning the evening as I was speaking. "I'll ask your sister to take the kids...overnight. I'll plan the whole thing. I'll do all the cooking." My mouth was working overtime, spewing words before I had time to think them through. "Whatever the menu turns out to be, say Italian, for instance, I'll Google what kinds of wines will be good with everything."

Once I suggested Italian, Cyndi really perked up. She began to get as excited and pumped up about a day of celebration for her as I was. It was going to be her day, so I wanted it all to be about the things she liked.

Over the course of the next few weeks, I got to work. Cyndi didn't want the dinner party to be too big, so we couldn't invite every one of her friends. The list she prepared made sense. Two of her best friends from childhood and their husbands, and the Sasajimas, our friends from Japan. Eight people was plenty for this novice cook. The menu itself was not a problem. I know most of the Italian foods Cyndi likes. She's been a fan since long before we met. Whenever we go out for Italian food, she pretty much sticks to her standards. Even when we were in Rome last year, where she could have tried new things, she remained true to her taste buds--daily.

Today's the day. Today is when I have to "put my money where my mouth is" (or was). The menu has been finalized and shared amongst the guests, who are each bringing the wine/beer I have selected for the various courses. The food has been purchased. Some of what will be served has already been cooked. And I am anxious. Anxious to enjoy the night. Anxious because I don't want to get anything wrong. Anxious because I want this night to be special. For Cyndi and for our friends.

So, while I need you to keep your fingers crossed for me, wish Cyndi a Happy Birthday, if you can. Today, it's about her. No matter what the outcome.

p.s. For those who are interested, here's the menu:

Antipasti (appetizer)
· Bruschetta
· Tomato and Fresh Mozzarella

Wine: Pinot Grigio
Beer: Peroni Nastro Azzuro

The First Course (Primo)
· Angel Hair Pasta with Pomodora Sauce

Wine: Sangiovese
Beer: Peroni Nastro Azzuro

The Second or Main Course (Secondo)
· Chicken Marsalla
· Italian Sausage

Wine: Toscola Vernaccia
Beer: Peroni Nastro Azzuro

The Side Dish (served with the Second/Main Course)
· Grilled Portabella Mushroom

The Dessert Course (Dolce)
· Biscotti
· Lemon Ice

Wine: Port of Utica

1 comment:

  1. I hoped it turned out fabulous for both of you and your friends . . what a great gift!
